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Written by : Live Happy staff 

Help Us Celebrate Happiness in the Month of March!

We want to spread happiness and thank the people who have made life more enjoyable this past year. Live Happy is kicking off a month of happy acts and challenges in celebration of International Day of Happiness on Saturday, March 20 and we’re asking you to join in the fun!

Our month-long HappyActs campaign starts on Monday, March 1, and includes three key activities that will help bring more happiness into the world! We would be grateful for your participation in any or all of these activities this month.

10 Day Live Happy Gratitude Challenge

We invite you to participate in a social media challenge this month by thanking someone in your life each day for 10 days and recognize them on your social channels.

It’s easy:

  1. Thank 1 person a day for 10 days (or more) by posting on social media (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter).
  2. Tag the person you are thanking and challenge them to also do the 10 Day Challenge:
    Example Day 1: [insert nominee's name] – include why you are thankful. I’ve been nominated for the 10 Day Live Happy Gratitude Challenge. This past year has been difficult for all of us and we have all been facing our own challenges. I want to spread some happiness and thank people who have made my life better and happier this past year. I challenge [insert nominee's name] to do the same. #LiveHappy #GratitudeChallenge
  3. We recommend you include a picture or make a short video thanking them for the happiness they have brought into your life.

31 Days of Happy Acts in a Socially Distanced World

We also invite you to do more good in the world. Do a Happy Act a day in the month of March!

  1. Download the 31 Days of Happy Acts in a Socially Distanced World calendar. Print it and display as a reminder!
  2. Perform a Happy Act every day!
  3. Share on social media and use #LiveHappy and #HappyActs.

March 20th – The International Day of Happiness

Since 2013 we have been creating Happiness Walls to celebrate the International Day of Happiness. This year we invite you to host a wall to bring awareness to the International Day of Happiness.

  1. Download, print, hang up and fill out the digital happiness wall.
  2. Tell us how you will share happiness! Take a picture with your printed wall and share on social media. #HappyActs #LiveHappy
Live Happy Gifts

We will be doing our part by giving gifts of Live Happy gear as appreciation for participation. To have a chance at winning a prize you must:

  • Follow Live Happy on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
  • Social media profiles must be public.
  • Thank someone, tag us and use #LiveHappy.

We could all use a bit more happiness and gratitude in our lives and we hope you will join us. Let’s celebrate what makes us all human! Listen to this podcast about Celebrating Happiness to learn more about what we’re doing.

Listen to our podcast about Celebrating Happiness to learn more about what we’re doing.
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